TRF Limited

Community Relations

Social Responsibility & Community Initiatives

Following the principles of the Tata Group’s Policy on Affirmative Action, TRF Ltd has adopted a Code for Affirmative Action:

TRF Ltd believes in social equity, adhering to the principles of equal opportunities, irrespective of caste, whether in recruitment or career advancement within the organization. The company is also committed to directly conduct or support initiatives to ensure an equal footing for socially and economically disadvantaged sections in the country at large, and specifically the Scheduled Cast and Scheduled Tribe communities. TRF Ltd is also committed towards the ultimate goal of enhancing their employability and entrepreneurship abilities, by creating and promoting access to quality education and technical skills and competencies. Moreover, TRF Ltd endeavours to assist and enable members of these communities to overcome the social discrimination that has prevented them from realizing their potential as productive members of society, by creating employment opportunities as business associates, provided everything else (merit for employment; cost and quality for business associates) is equal.

The Company has implemented several initiatives for the uplift of the community in its vicinity. This involvement at the community level was further enhanced by the voluntary efforts of the company employees and the TRF Ltd Ladies Association, a registered body and an organization of TRF Ltd Officers’ wives. The Company, along with the TRF Ltd Ladies Association has conducted numerous programmes, with the objective of improving the quality of life of the people living around it.

The area surrounding TRF Ltd’s residential colony, is occupied by several villages inhabited by the under privileged. The company has identified this community as the key community aiming towards the uplift their quality of life. The needs of the key community were assessed through discussions with the village leaders and the NGOs operating in the area. Accordingly, various initiatives were embarked upon to meet some of the basic needs of the residents.

TRF Ltd, following the principles of the Tata Code for Affirmative Action, gives continuous support to “Akshar”, a school for underprivileged children, and “Astitva”, a centre for women imparting short term courses on skills like stitching, tailoring etc., both managed by the TRF Ltd Ladies Association. The Company also sustains the Valley View School (affiliated with CBSE and located in the Company’s Housing Colony) in its efforts to provide quality education to over thirteen hundred children residing in and around the neighbouring communities.

The company and its employees have time and again displayed their sense of social responsibility and offered unstinted support to programmes aimed at benefiting society. It has actively participated in the pulse-polio immunization drive conducted by the Government of India, in its efforts to eradicate polio in the community residing around us. The employees and family members have also donated blood voluntarily and regularly, at the several blood donation camps organized by the company.

The company’s commitment towards corporate social responsibility gets further endorsed through its support to local social organizations in Jamshedpur for education, particularly of the disabled / handicapped / underprivileged children. It also provides health support services to the community residing in its vicinity. These include several free health camps extending medical help to over 750 persons and eye camps, wherein 135 patients were successfully operated upon for cataract removal, with Intra Ocular Lens Implant.



TRF Ltd has taken all possible measures at all its location and construction sites that its operations are non-polluting in nature. The company has taken adequate precautions to comply with all regulatory requirements in this regard. In addition to ensuring compliance with the legal norms, TRF Ltd continues to contribute towards urban beautification and tree plantation.