TRF Ltd has bagged the order to supply the requisite machinery for the construction of Krishnapatnam Port, a project which is being handled by Navayuaga Engineering Company Limited. A private port, Krishnapatnam is located in the east coast of Andhra Pradesh, about 200 Km to the north of Chennai. Currently it handles exports of iron ore and import of fertilisers. The owners want to develop it to grow into one of the major ports in the east coast.
In phase I, TRF Ltd was initially entrusted with the supply of:
- One Slewing Stacker for stacking Coal
- One Stacker-Reclaimer for stacking and reclaiming coal
- Two Stacker-Reclaimers for stacking & reclaiming iron ore
- Two Ship Unloaders to unload coal from ships
- One Ship Loader to load ships with iron ore
Recently another order has been placed on TRF Ltd for
- One Ship Loader
- Two more Ore Stacker-Reclaimers
The port plans to import coal, once this mechanisation is complete.
TRF Ltd, at its end, plans to commission the first Ore Stacker-Reclaimer and the Ship Loader by October 2008, but, certain alterations made recently in the layout by the customer’s consultant, might cause some delay. TRF Ltd has set mid 2009 as its target date for completion of the project.
The installation activities started on 25th June 2008, by putting wheels of the first Ship loader Long Travel on the rails in the Berth. A religious ceremony was performed, which was attended by senior executives of both Navayuga Engineering and Krishnapatnam Port, including the CEO.
Shri Nitin J Gadkari, Hon’ble Union Minister Inaugurates Ship Unloader-2 at Krishnapatnam Port