TRF Limited


Proving Itself at the TBEM

TRF Ltd was recognized for Active Promotion of TBEM for the year 2008, by Group Chairman, Mr Ratan N Tata, at a glittering ceremony held on the occasion of the 14th JRD QV function, on July 29, 2008, at the National centre for Performing Arts, Mumbai. The award was received by Mr Sudhir Deoras, MD and Mr Mediomah H Patel, Chief, BE on behalf of the TRF Ltd team.

This award is given to those units, which score 500+ for the first time in TBEM assessment. TRF Ltd was adjudged, this year, at 504 points (out of a maximum of 1000 points).

Some of the key areas that the assessment team found praiseworthy, during its visit were:

Steadily improving performance Leadership’s focus on excellence and building processes through team effort
Communication by leadershipPride, energy and enthusiasm of the people – willingness to embrace new initiatives
Effort by the entire team in co-creating the vision and its communication to all employees.


However, the team also indicated that there was a scope for improvement in certain areas. Moreover, it is essential that all employees remember that without team effort, the company will not be able to achieve greater heights of excellence.